Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Shake It Up, Baby

This is a good time of year to remember to get out of your rut and try something new. This is especially true if you find yourself shaking your head and wondering, “How did I get here?” or “Where has the time gone?”

Life is supposed to be about having fun and being creative. Sure, most people have to work for a living, but that doesn’t mean your life has to be a grind.

So if you’re tired, bored, or it just seems like life isn’t going your way, then it’s time to shake it up, baby.

Don’t think of these changes as resolutions that you have to keep.

I’m talking about having fun, not making more rules that you have to remember and follow.

So if you’re going to make it a resolution, make it something like this: “I resolve to have more fun this year.”

Shaking it up may include creating a “Bucket List” of things you want to do before you die, like in the movie of the same name, but not every goal has to be huge.

Be willing to try a variety of different activities, especially if you’re out of practice with “playtime.” You might start by writing down any idea that sounds like fun. They can be small things that take just a few minutes or longer adventures. It could be as simple and potentially silly as getting on the swing at your local park.

Having a variety is a great idea. That way when you notice you’re in a rut and having difficulty getting out of it, you can reach for your list and find something that’ll fit in the moment.

I encourage you to have fun with family and friends. If you’re a parent who’s been stuck for a while, be prepared for your spouse and kids to maybe wonder about your sanity at least at first. Be okay with that. Explain what’s going on to them and I bet that most of them will climb on board.

Just because you sit down and write a long list of activities, it might not be necessary do all of them. You don’t have to suddenly take up skydiving just because you wrote it down, but there’s no rule against that either.

While you can start at the top of the list and work your way down, I would encourage you to have more fun than that. After all, this is about shaking things up. You’re not creating another to-do list where you check off each task after it’s accomplished.

One of the best ways to help cull your list down or to determine the best things to do in the moment (with or without consulting your list) is to check with your Internal Guidance System (IGS). It’s a good indicator for determining how excited you are about doing something.

There will probably be things that bring about a neutral “eh” response while other things will be a sure “nope.” By checking in with your IGS, you’ll be able to distinguish between true disinterest in the moment and fear or hesitation because you’re climbing out of your rut.

So get on your climbing shoes and have fun.

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