Friday, December 27, 2013

Utilizing the Law of Attraction in Three Simple Steps

Thought is much more powerful than people assume and it can determine the entire makeup of your life. It is important to know that no outside forces may determine your thoughts. They are innately your own. By harnessing their power, you can benefit from the Law of Attraction.

How can you do this? By following these three simple steps:

Step One: Practice Visualization
In order for your dreams to become a reality, you must practice visualization.

Allow yourself to imagine your dreams as they are.

According to the Law of Attraction, this makes your dreams become reality; so, the next time you daydream, go with it.

Daydreaming can actually be beneficial in that it is literally the act of visualizing your dreams.

Step Two: Think Positively
Positive thoughts will attract positive outcomes. Let's say that you want to receive a promotion that is up for grabs at work.

First, visualize yourself receiving the promotion in your mind. After you do that, you must think positively about the situation. Think that you will get the promotion and chances are high that you will receive it. Don't allow yourself to think negatively. This can actually cost you the position. Negative thoughts can attract negative outcomes, just like positive thoughts can attract positive outcomes.

Step Three: Truly Believe
It isn't enough to visualize or think positively if you don't truly believe in the power of the Universe. You must wholly believe your positive thoughts are going to be actualized. Otherwise, you will not benefit from the Law of Attraction. Your thoughts cannot be falsely positive. And you can’t fake it! You must honestly believe with every ounce of your being that what you want will come to you. It gets easier to believe as your life experience shows this to be true and you see things starting to happen for you.

Follow these three simple steps to harness the power contained within the Law of Attraction. Simply visualize, think positively, and truly believe. You will see what a major impact these simple practices can have on your life. You will be able to improve your life in ways you have never imagined. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Keeping Company with the Law of Attraction

There is an old saying, which the majority of us have heard: “You are known by the company you keep.”

Although most people like to disregard this old-fashioned remark, there is a lot of truth behind the saying. 

Chances are likely that you and your friends are much alike. You probably share some of the same interests and have the same general outlook on life. 

You likely also act very much the same, whether in a private or public setting.

If you think about the people in your life, you will see that this is true. You may be wondering why.

The Law of Attraction explains this question for us. Like energies attract one another.

If you are a certain way, you are going to attract other people who behave similarly to you. This would explain why it seems people run in crowds of like-minded people. While this can be a great thing, it can also create conflict.

Being known by the company you keep can be a great thing if you are a positive individual who works hard at bettering yourself and generally behaves well in society. With this being the case, you will attract other positive individuals who also work hard and behave themselves in a positive manner. People will look upon you in a positive way and good things will come your way.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, this can create negativity for you. If you are a negative person who believes they will never receive anything of worth in their lives (because the world is against them), you will be associated with those same type people. Instead of increasing your positive energy, your friends will be increasing your negative energy. People will look upon you in a negative way and nothing you want will come your way.

However, our energy is not set in stone. If you take a look around you and notice only negative people, you need to take a better look at the energy you are personally producing.

Working at becoming a more positive person can drastically improve your life. In time, the negative people will fall away from your life and replaced with positive people. Those positive people will help only to lift you up, and you will be happy to be known by the company you keep.