are visual artists. Using a camera, their brain, and their creative eye, they
select a scene and take a photograph of that scene to share with the rest of
the world. You can do that with your life as well, choosing what you want to
show to the world and what you do not.
Some people think that a photographer is merely documenting
events or places.
That is only partially true.
The image may be true and accurate, but it never tells the
entire story because a photograph is only part of the bigger picture.
What is outside the frame of the camera lens may be less
interesting or it may actually be more interesting. You as the viewer may never
know. The photographer tells a story, albeit an incomplete one, choosing what
to relay to the viewer and what details to leave out.
Photographers often manipulate the images as well, so that
even though they started off as an accurate representation of something, it may
be no closer to the original truth than a dream by the time it is shown to the
viewer. Whether the photographer was documenting an event or creating something
completely original, the end result is always something uniquely their own.
You can take a cue from the photographer. You are in control
over what others see and know of your life. You can tell a story that you want
others to know and leave out details that you do not deem important or
interesting. You can also embellish your story so it bears no resemblance to
the facts of your life.
Some people might consider this lying and believe that not
telling the absolute truth is wrong. Others will say they are making positive
affirmations, declaring their desired life into existence, and that is a good
Who is right?
To answer that question, you must check in with your
feelings. How does the statement feel? How do you feel when you are being
deceitful, attempting to fool someone for personal gain? How do you feel when
someone purposely deceives you, tries to take advantage of you? That doesn’t
feel good, does it? Does this statement feel like that?
On the other hand, how do you feel when someone tells you
about their latest promotion at work or the wonderful person they met? Do you
suspect they are not telling the entire truth, or do you feel their joy? Does
the statement feel hope-filled, positive, or optimistic?
You can take any situation and decide how you are going to
frame it and present it to the world, just like the photographer. If you want
to land your dream job, which photographs would you show a prospective employer?
Would you show them the images of work you are most proud of or the tasks you
did that you felt bad about?
Showing your best to the world is not the same as being
false, unless you feel like you are being false. Appreciate the beauty in the
snapshots you display. Believe in them. Know the power of your thoughts and
feelings to create your reality. Accept in your heart that you have a
“photogenic” life and you will manifest the life of your dreams.
For more on using the Universal Law of Attraction, please