Thursday, January 30, 2014

Use the Law of Attraction to Take Control of Your Life

At one point or another, you have probably expressed grief over not having enough control in your own life. Those feelings of hopelessness are unfortunately common in today's fast-paced society where individuals are taught to become part of the whole.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to always be that way. You can use the Law of Attraction to take control of your life, once and for all.

The majority of people know that the Law of Attraction states that positive thoughts beget positive outcomes and negative thoughts beget negative results. However, it goes much deeper.

By strongly focusing on an intention to go into action, the action center of your brain lights up. This prompts you to actually do something instead of mourning your inability to do it.

As long as your intentions are strong and positive, you will ultimately end up with positive results.

Here is an example: You want a promotion at work. You focus on the outcome as positive, with strong intentions to gain this promotion.

The action center of your brain lights up, prompting you to improve your performance at your job. The positivity you are exuding helps to further achieve positive results.

You ultimately end up with the job promotion.

Taking back control of your life is as simple as this. You may find it difficult at first. Being negative and downtrodden is very common in this society.

It is perhaps what you were taught to do. With a little practice, however, you can be a positive person who easily gains the positive outcomes they desire. You will also find it easier to focus on strong intention as you make a practice out of it.

What is the key?

Don't give up!

Take control of your life. Use the Law of Attraction to get rid of your feelings of hopelessness. Keep practicing meaningful intention and positivity. Eventually it will come to you naturally. Too many people give up because they find this difficult. Don't let that be you. It is your life. Nobody else controls you. Take action now and reap the positive benefits for a lifetime. 

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