Thursday, March 6, 2014

Using the Law of Attraction to ‘Attract’ a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is something we all need. Some of us need a solid eight hours while others get by fantastically on much less. Teenagers are notorious for needing lots of sleep.  

No matter how many hours your body seems to need, we all need this “downtime” to rest and repair our bodies and our minds. 

We don’t always get the rest we need for a variety of reasons and missing out on sleep can be detrimental to our mood and our health.

So if you find yourself struggling with insomnia, take heart: you can apply the Law of Attraction to get that much-needed night’s sleep.

One of the most common threads behind people who do not sleep well is the belief that they do not sleep well. They even tell all their friends about their difficulty sleeping. That is the Law of Attraction at work, but not in a way that benefits your health.

Have you ever watched someone sleep? Perhaps a partner, a child, or even the family dog? If you have, you will have noticed that their energy is different. You can visually see when your loved one is dreaming. This is what scientists call the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase of sleep and this is when our mind does most of its restorative work.

Even if you sleep all day long, constant interruption during the REM stage of sleep will leave you feeling the exact opposite of rested and refreshed.

There are other stages of sleep that are also important for our health, but REM is the easiest for us to see without sophisticated equipment. With that equipment, scientists have shown that our brain wave patterns change during the various stages of sleep and are significantly different from when we are awake.
In order to get the relaxation and rejuvenation that we need from sleep, we have to get into a vibrational level that is similar to the sleeping brain wave patterns.

There are some devices that you can buy to help you achieve these brain patterns, but meditation is one of the best tools available to you. Focusing on your breath may be enough to settle your brain down and send you down the path to sleep. If your brain is still chattering away, adding a meditation tape can often be enough to distract the chatter.

Beyond meditation, it is important to apply the Law of Attraction to getting a good night’s sleep. Many sleep experts will tell you that you must go to sleep at the same time every night, or that you must not watch television, or you must (or must not) do x, y, z.

Instead of focusing on a list of things you must get just right, shifting your attitude and vibration is the answer.  Hold the intention that you will sleep well. Feel appreciation for all the things that went well that day. Talk to yourself in a loving, grateful, and appreciative way.

If you find your mind drifting to things you didn’t get done, tell your subconscious to remind you of the task in the morning, after your restful night’s sleep.

Visualize yourself sleeping soundly. Feel your body relaxing. Tell yourself how good a sleeper you are, that you sleep well and awake refreshed. Be grateful for your warm bed. Remember the positive people and moments in your day.

As we achieve our attitude of gratitude, our body and mind will relax with the pleasant thoughts. As you relax, your body and mind are already beginning to get the rest and relaxation they need to heal and for you to feel rested and refreshed--even before you drift off to sleep.

With practice, you will be able to achieve this rested state more quickly. One day soon, you may suddenly realize that you are sleeping well every night and you can’t remember the last time that you struggled to fall asleep.